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The full PEGASUS model grid is available for download.

Each subgrid contains 72 models with different upper atmospheric structures. These models have EUV-NUV flux densities that span three orders of magnitude.

The PHOENIX spectra (EUV - IR; 100 Å to 100 μm) are saved in FITS file format. The wavelengths (given in Angstroms) are in vacuum and the wavelength grid has a resolution of <0.1 Å. Please note that the wavelength grid is not uniformly spaced. The flux densities (given in ergs/cm2/s/Å) are that at the stellar surface and are scalable to a distance D via (Rstar/D)2.

These models are generic spectra for the specified stellar parameters (Teff, log(g), and M) and simulate various levels of UV flux which may not be physical. Please use with caution.

Subgrid Teff (K) Log(g) (cm/s2) M (Msun) Download Link
K0 5044 4.45 0.89 K0_PEGASUS_subgrid.tar.gz
K1 4884 4.50 0.86 K1_PEGASUS_subgrid.tar.gz
K2 4749 4.52 0.83 K2_PEGASUS_subgrid.tar.gz
K3 4654 4.55 0.79 K3_PEGASUS_subgrid.tar.gz
K4 4460 4.59 0.74 K4_PEGASUS_subgrid.tar.gz
K5 4239 4.62 0.70 K5_PEGASUS_subgrid.tar.gz
K6 4100 4.65 0.65 K6_PEGASUS_subgrid.tar.gz
K7 3927 4.69 0.61 K7_PEGASUS_subgrid.tar.gz
K8 3893 4.70 0.60 K8_PEGASUS_subgrid.tar.gz
K9 3804 4.73 0.57 K9_PEGASUS_subgrid.tar.gz
M0 3850 4.78 0.53 M0_PEGASUS_subgrid.tar.gz
M1 3700 4.81 0.50 M1_PEGASUS_subgrid.tar.gz
M2 3550 4.88 0.40 M2_PEGASUS_subgrid.tar.gz
M3 3400 4.96 0.30 M3_PEGASUS_subgrid.tar.gz
M4 3200 5.10 0.18 M4_PEGASUS_subgrid.tar.gz
M5 3050 5.17 0.13 M5_PEGASUS_subgrid.tar.gz
M6 2900 5.22 0.11 M6_PEGASUS_subgrid.tar.gz
M7 2650 5.30 0.09 M7_PEGASUS_subgrid.tar.gz
M8 2500 5.32 0.08 M8_PEGASUS_subgrid.tar.gz